Time Agenda
08:30 - 09:00 Registration
09:00 - 09:15 Welcome Remarks by Officiating VIP Guest
09:15 - 10:00 Opening Keynote: Driving Future Business Growth with Innovation and Cloud Computing

In this session, Mr. High will address the impact of technology in global business markets, highlighting stability and innovation as twin pillars of successful business operations and keys to economic growth. He will also share an entertaining story on how technology has evolved over the past decade to drastically change the way we do business today. Find out more about the various innovation technology trends as well as Cloud Computing and how to adopt these technologies to accelerate business growth and its competitiveness.

Peter High
Metis Strategy
10:00 - 10:40 Keynote One: Powering the Future of Business

To be successful in today's highly competitive global economy, businesses are constantly challenged to be more agile and improve business productivity. With scarce resources, they have to focus on building their core competitive edge for sustainable growth, while lowering their overall costs. The convergence of IT and telecommunications technologies have created new, exciting opportunities that empower businesses to achieve sustainable growth, scale their operations and reduce their costs significantly. In the session, the speaker will share with us how to capitalize on these technology trends to lead and shape the ICT market and power the future of businesses.

Bill Chang
EVP, Business Group
10:40 - 11:20 Keynote Two: Cloud Computing Demystified - The Path forward to Cloud Computing

Today's enterprise IT is challenged by a combination of complex and costly infrastructure, yet the business innovation demands to meet new opportunities and challenges real time. This demand requires new ITapproach for enabling application and service on a shared, cloud based infrastructure. In this session, the speaker will outline some strategies in response to this market transition and demonstrates how its organization can help IT executives to migrate from existing infrastructure to the one that base on this new IT paradigm.

Steven Leonard
President, Asia Pacific and Japan
11:20 - 11:40 Morning Networking Coffee Break
11:40 - 12:30 CIO Insights Panel: Emerging Technologies - What to Expect and How to Plan

As technology continues to rapidly evolve, business leaders are constantly challenged with finding which emerging technology will become the next industry game changer. Trends in new and existing technology coupled with massive changes in the technology industry are creating a more distinctive role for CIOs in all industries. During the panel discussion, the technology leaders combined with both solutions providers and end users will discuss with us about the Global Technology Outlook that provides a comprehensive overview of advances in technology and share their views into how new technologies can be applied in their marketplace, and how they are expected to change and create new industries and businesses in the process.

Panel Highlights:
  • The CIO and the Emerging Technolgies - Threat or Opportunity?
  • Key challenges and obstacles to implementing Emerging Technolgies, such as Cloud technologies across their businesses
  • Key elements to consider before altering your IT strategy
  • Maintaining high motivation levels to bring out the best out of your staff
  • Creating Organizational Readiness - Cloud as a Structural Change in Your Business
  • Implementation Experiences of the Early Movers: Best Practices and Pitfalls

Conference Chair
Geoff McClelland, Program Director, CIO Connect Hong Kong

Henk Ten Bos, CIO, Ageas Insurance Company (Asia) Ltd.
Geofrey L Master, Head of Business & Technology Sourcing Practice, Asia, Mayer Brown JSM
Thomas Dillon, CHTP, VP of IT - Asia, Venetian Macau Ltd
Bill Chang, EVP, Business Group, SingTel
Peter High, President, Metis Strategy
12:30 - 14:00 CIO Networking Luncheon
Afternoon Panel Discussions
Track 1
Powering Business Productivity
Track 2
Powering Unparalleled Security
Track 3
Powering Cloud Excellence
14:00 - 14:30

Delivering a best-of-breed Cloud UC Solution

Polycom, in collaboration with SingTel is enabling the delivery of a best in class UC service offering, recognizing the fact that interoperability and open standards are key to a successful deployment. Find out how Enterprises can deploy Cloud Based UC solutions, while ensuring flexibility and investment protection during this session with Nick Hawkins, Director of Polycom's Technology Consulting Group.

Chris Marshall
Director for Service Provider Sales

Securing Your Business In The Digital Economy

It is 2011 are you ready for the new decade? When you are called upon by the management and asked "What is the state of our information security today?", how would you answer - "good", "bad", "I don't know"?

As we prepare for the next decade of business opportunities, growth and stability, we should also not let our guard down to the security threats of 2011 and beyond.

Join ArcSight Security Evangelist Mr Wong Loke Yeow, as he shares ArcSight's latest insight into the emerging security challenges you can expect in the upcoming year.

In his presentation, Loke Yeow will also:

  • Give a debrief on the notable breaches and security trends of the recent past years
  • Discuss the top 5 security threats to expect in the coming year
  • Share the top security and compliance best practices to adopt in 2011

Wong Loke Yeow
Regional Director & Evangelist
ArcSight, a HP Company

Emerge of Converge Cloud, What does it mean to the CIO ?

The convergence of private and public cloud is fast becoming a reality. The private cloud and public cloud need to work together. No company can have everything on its own inside the four walls. And no company at this point in time is going to move everything that it does to a public cloud. Since the company has worked on both cloud deployments, hybrid cloud emerges as a business model that enterprises demand. In this session, the speakers will share with us on the emerging of converge cloud and what does it mean to the CTO.

Par Botes
Chief Technology Officer (Asia Pacific & Japan Region)

Charleston Sin
General Manager, Borderless Network & Data Center
CISCO Greater China

14:30 - 15:00

Optimising the Cloud for Enhanced Business Outcomes

Perhaps the most important challenge facing the CIO's of businesses of all types and sizes, is how IT can provide better business outcomes to the CEO, to support corporate growth, expansion, globalization and demands for higher levels of agility, productivity, mobility, collaboration. And to do so without spending ever more money.

This is why themes such as Virtualisation, Centralisation, Consolidation, Optimisation and now Cloud Computing have become so common. They are all key enablers by which IT can be re-architected to meet the demands of Business in of the 21st century.

In this session you will learn you will learn how to:

  • Review these key themes and discuss how we help CIO achieve faster, better, optimized IT.
  • Demonstrate optimized access to Cloud applications and illustrate why, in all cloud environments, no CIO can achieve his goals without optimization.
  • Discuss how Optimisation can be achieved at least cost and risk thru a managed service in conjunction with its Service Provider partners

Peter Elsey
Director, Service Provider Alliances, Asia Pacific
Riverbed Technology

Cloud Security: Opening a Second Front in the War on Malware

For a long time, traditional virus signatures were effective in identifying malware. As modern malware evolved, signatures also evolved, to include both structural and behavioral characteristics.

The general consensus in the security community is that the malware authors are ahead in the game, with ever-changing encryption and obfuscation techniques to hide the characteristics that AV software looks for.

This conflict between malware authors and anti-malware companies has traditionally been a single-front war, fought on corporate and home desktop and laptop computers.

Cloud-based security has the potential to open a second front, forcing malware authors to spend additional resources overcoming a new set of obstacles.

The presentation will explore the obstacles that must be overcome to launch a successful Web-based attack when the only defense is a traditional AV solution, and contrast that scenario with the new set of hurdles that a cloud defense can impose.

Chris Larsen
Malware Research Team Leader
Blue Coat Systems

Case Study: How to build a business case for Cloud Computing?

With the expectation of a eventual global rebound, companies and enterprises are more diligent in their assessments of future IT expansion plans where decisions are to be made on investing in new IT and communication systems and services. The traditional days of " easy assess " to IT budget is gone. CIOs will increasingly need a clear business case for any future investment they make.

In this session, EMC will share experience in helping customers to become the early adopters of cloud computing.

Felix Ng
Sales Regional Program Manager
Virtual Computing Environment (VCE)
Office of the CTO
EMC Asia Pacific & Japan

15:00 - 15:30

Leveraging Managed Cloud Services for Maximizing Productivity and Cost Optimization

Traditionally, the cost of deployment has not been considered an important parameter of architectural tradeoffs. Since the main driver of cloud computing is its promise of cost savings through "pay for what you use," there is a strong incentive to build applications that consume fewer resources.

During the discussion, the moderator will discuss in-depth with the panelists regarding the following topics:

  • The rise of Managed Cloud Services and it's outlook
  • How can managed cloud services contribute to top line growth?
  • Can you optimize the cost and business outcome concurrently?
  • Review platform-specific variance: Impact of the difference between main providers
  • Key consideration for deployment of Managed Cloud Services

Jerry Wertelecky
Partner, Advisory
Ernst & Young

August Chan
Head of IT

Youngran Kim
Regional Head, IT Strategy & Architecture

Chris Marshall
Director for Service Provider Sales

Peter Elsey
Director, Service Provider Alliances, Asia Pacific
Riverbed Technology

Outlook of Information Security 2011

As approaches to information security programs continue to evolve, adapting to emerging technologies and other influences, CIOs must constantly evaluate their enterprise security strategy. A firm believer that flexibility, tenacity and communication are essential to the creation of a world-class security program. During the panel, the moderator will discuss in-depth with those panelists about some current insights on information security program trends and calls on CIOs to asses where they are, where they need to go next and where to change the tune within their information security programs.

Session discovery topics:

  • Defining security metrics
  • Shifting focus - moving from a network-centered to a data-centered approach
  • Understanding new threats - mobile computing, social networking and other security game changers

Vincent Chan
Partner, Advisory Services
Ernst & Young

Jojo Dionaldo
Head of IT
The Dairy Farm Co. Ltd. - IKEA Division

Patrick Raths
Head of IT, Asia
Swiss Reinsurance Company

Wong Loke Yeow
Regional Director & Evangelist
ArcSight, a HP Company

Chris Larsen
Malware Research Team Leader
Blue Coat Systems

Future Trends and Predictions for Cloud Computing

The Internet has fundamentally changed the way people work, live, learn and play. The Net is expanding from a superhighway to a platform that is transforming industries, and the Net will play a significant role in enabling business transformation globally. The advance in computing power and mobile devices, and the popularity of Mobility and Video have driven to a new height of demand of IT services. Cloud will emerge as a service platform to address to the future demand of IT services. During the panel, the moderator will discuss with all panelists about the future trends and some predictions for cloud computing.

Mark Ross
Asia Cloud Computing Association

Kevin Tsang
Regional IT Director - Asia, Cookson Electronics Limited

Robin Leung
Managing Director, Head of Global Information Technology Division
BOC International

Par Botes
Chief Technology Officer (Asia Pacific & Japan Region)

Charleston Sin
General Manager, Borderless Network & Data Center
CISCO Greater China

15:30 - 16:00 Afternoon Networking Coffee Break
Agenda is subject to change without prior notice.
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