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Tentative Conference Agenda
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9th December, 2009 (Wednesday)
08:15 - 09:00 REGISTRATION
09:00 - 09:30 Opening Keynote by Chair: The CIO, The CTO And The Cloud

Today, many organizations are considering moving IT out of the company premises and into the Cloud. But is the buzz about Cloud Computing and Cloud Services merited or is it still too soon to be talking about the all-encompassing Cloud? In his presentation, Claus will discuss the present state of Cloud Services in Asia/Pacific and examine the role On-Premises IT still has in today's and tomorrow's IT landscape. He will also examine how Cloud Services may move beyond the traditional IT stack of infrastructure, platforms and applications and into what could be called Cloud Business.

Conference Chair and Keynote Speaker:
Mr. Claus Mortensen
Principal, ETAS, Digital Marketplace & New Media, IDC Asia/Pacific
IDC Asia/Pacific
09:30 - 10:00 Keynote Two: Bringing Cloud To The Earth - Capitalize On Cloud Computing To Renovate Your IT Infrastructure And Innovate For The Future

Cloud is an important new consumption and delivery model for IT and business services in response to a connected world. Over the past two years, IBM has deployed Cloud Computing in its own operation such as application development, and worked with hundreds of clients adopting Cloud around the world; unlocking the value of Cloud to enhance efficiency and productivity, and address the global IT infrastructure challenge. In this session, we'll share with you the latest trends and development of Cloud Computing as well as our experience in piloting and deploying Cloud projects around the world.

Dr. Matthew Wang, Ph.D.
Vice President, China Development Lab
10:00 - 10:30 Keynote Three: Cost Savings Start With Collaboration, On Premise And On Line

Hybrid models of delivering Cloud Computing such as Software + Service are merging the lines between On Premise with Cloud Services and offer the flexibility, migration and management tools that allow companies to offer employees rich collaboration tools from any device and from any location. These new architectures and delivery models are bringing many new collaborative tools within reach of every person in your organization from task worker to knowledge worker.

This session will reveal recent research into how companies are adopting and benefiting from collaborative cloud computing and will discuss how enterprises can enjoy the full benefits from Hybrid models such as Software + Service, from platform to complete business solution.

Mr. David Hooper
Information Worker Business Group Lead
Microsoft Hong Kong Ltd
10:30 - 11:00 Keynote Four: Leveraging Saas Business Intelligence And Analytics For Growth

Mr. Toa Charm
Founder and Chairperson, BI Special Interest Division, Hong Kong Computer Society;
Regional Head of Business Intelligence Competency Centre, Asia Pacific, HSBC
11:00 - 11:15 Morning Networking Coffee Break
11:15 - 11:45 Keynote Five: Cloud Computing: The 21st Century Business Platform

Imagine running your business without software. What would your business be able to do if it could eliminate all the cost and complexity? Cloud Computing represents the most exciting technology shift for business since the advent of the Internet a decade ago. In the Cloud, information technology is no longer about productivity; its about collaboration, a shared information base, the wisdom of crowds, and collective real-time intelligence. It is fundamentally changing the way individuals work and the way companies do business. And, the possibilities are seemingly limitless.

So, what does Cloud Computing means for companies in Hong Kong and Asia? Attend this session to understand the economic and innovation implications of moving your business to the Cloud. As the global leader in enterprise Cloud Computing, salesforce.com will highlight local and global customers that already succeeding in the Cloud and will demonstrate its vision for The Real-Time Cloud.

Mr. Stephen Morse
Senior Director, Sales Engineering, APAC
11:45 - 12:15 Keynote Six: Cloud Computing: A Networking Perspective

While the majority of the focus in cloud computing had been on applications, platforms, elasticity and virtualization, an often overlooked element is the network. At the end of the day, the best applications with the snazziest user interface may be offered but it is the underlying network that actually delivers these applications to the users. Beyond basic connectivity, user experience is critical for the success of cloud computing and it would not have been possible if the network is not a high-performance one. Juniper Networks will discuss the criteria for a high-performance network and how it can impact cloud computing adoption as demands on the network increases dramatically.

Mr. CK Lam
Enterprise Solutions Manager, APAC
Juniper Networks
12:15 - 13:00 CIO Insights Panel 1: Extending Your IT To The Cloud
  • Key elements to consider before altering your IT strategy
  • How to maintain high motivation levels to bring out the best out of your staff
  • Putting together a sound power sharing strategy between your team and your vendors
  • Creating Organizational Readiness - Cloud as a Structural Change in Your Business
  • Implementation Experiences of the Early Movers
Panel Chair:
Mr. Claus Mortensen, Principal, Asia/Pacific Emerging Technologies Research , IDC Asia/Pacific

CIO Panelists:
Mr. Joe Locandro, Director - Group Information Technology, China Light and Power
Mr. Pack Ling, CIO, Greater China, GE
Mr. Sunny Lee, Executive Director - IT, Hong Kong Jockey Club
Mr. Phoon Wart Teao, Sr. IT Director, Greater China Cluster, Philips (China)
Mr. Avi Raju, Director, Asia Head of IT, Savills (HK) Property Firm
Mr. Mark Ross, VP & CIO, Sun Life Financial, Asia
13:00 - 14:00 Luncheon Break &
Visit of Showcase Exhibits
14:00 - 14:30 Keynote Seven: Cloud Computing: Legal Issues for Business Users

With all kinds of new service providers springing up in the world of cloud computing, how do companies handle scalability, Service Level Agreements, contracts and other legal issues that result from the transition? All hosting companies are essentially becoming service providers with more similarities to SaaS providers than traditional shared hosting providers. Hosting companies will be collaborating and working together more and more and in doing so, will need flexible infrastructure, contracts and SLAs.

This session will address the legal, business and marketing issues of involved in moving into these new services, and what anyone entering into a new contract, or marketing to end users needs to know.

Mr. Peter Bullock
Partner, Pinsent Masons
14:30 - 15:00 Keynote Eight: Venturing into Cloud Computing? Don't Forget Your Security Umbrella

Long before Cloud Computing became the word de jour, Trend Micro began offering security via a central internet-based cloud in 2005. Aspects of the Trend Micro 'Security in the Cloud' solution reflect a unique end-to-end security perspective and technological approach that involves building a massive and unmatched anti-threat database, and deploying a variety of strategies to reduce and fight off attacks, including proactively cutting off the attacks at the source.

Learn how this cloud-based security solution, termed the Smart Protection Network, leverages Cloud Computing to help you protect your users faster, with less complexity and headaches; and how Trend Micros current and future security solutions can help you to protect your cloud and your cloud related investments.

Mr. Charles Cheng
Director of Product Marketing, China Business Unit
Trend Micro
15:00 - 15:30 Keynote Nine: The Service Driven Data Centre

For several years Novell has been building a vision of the next generation data center that addresses new customer needs. These needs are to leverage new technologies that reduce cost and complexity, but manage the risk of introducing them. Our Service Driven Data Center (SDDC) provides the cost reduction in a well managed fashion.
  • Open source in general and the Linux operating system in particular have a lower price tag. They also reduce cost by allowing faster exploitation of hardware technologies that further reduce cost, such as low-power and virtualization assists.
  • Virtualization reduces cost by allowing physical processors to consolidate workloads.
  • Cloud computing provides a means for a user to grab capacity without a lengthy approval process. Moreover, capacity can be ordered as needed. There is no danger of acquiring over-capacity that won't be needed in the end.
Mr. David Ely
Director of Product Management, Data Center Solutions
15:30 - 16:00 Keynote Ten: Powering The Clouds... Faster, Safer And "Greener"

After years of discussions, cloud computing is set to turn the rules of enterprise IT on its head. The open-source Xen, hypervisor and other technologies combine to enable providers, such as Amazon and Google, to offer applications, storage, VMs, and other infrastructure capabilities as a service, with metrics and pay-as-you-go pricing driving their business models. These make clouds offer incredibly sweet deals for IT as a service. However, there are not many cloud solutions offering SLAs and/or security. There are more questions than answers about bridging the gap between the applications and the network, the enterprise and the cloud.

As a leader in the virtualization and cloud computing areas, Citrix will show you how her solutions can power the clouds, making them faster, more secure and "greener".

Mr. Chris Chau
ANG, Systems Engineer
Citrix Systems HK Ltd
16:00 - 16:10 Afternoon Networking Coffee Break
16:10 - 16:40 Keynote Eleven: Building The Enterprise Cloud

Cloud computing is changing the way IT resources are utilized. Users want the ability to access infrastructure resources how and when they choose. IT teams are asked to accommodate this shift in the consumption model, but still deal with the security, compatibility, and compliance issues associated with delivering that convenience to application business owners and developers.

In coordination with large technology partners, standards bodies and cloud services providers, VMware's leading technology platform, VMware vSphere, enables you to transform your datacenter into an internal cloud - a pool of virtualized resources within a datacenter - and seamlessly leverage external cloud providers within the private cloud.

Mr. Toon-Chwee Wee
Chief System Consultant
16:40 - 17:20 CIO Insights Panel 2: Assessing The Future For Cloud Technologies And The Changing Nature Of IT Use And Purchasing Models
  • What will Your main drivers be for Cloud Computing adoption? Cost efficiency? Scalability? Reducing data administration?
  • Your assessment: Using external cloud providers vs. building a private cloud for corporate IT
  • Will the global economic crisis put the brakes on cloud computing adoption in the near-term?
  • Key Issues that CIOs should consider before taking IT to the cloud such as Privacy and Compliance issues
Panel Chair:
Mr. William Yin, Partner and Managing Director, Boston Consulting Group

CIO Panelists
Mr. Michael Leung, Senior VP and CIO, China Construction Bank (Asia)
Mr. Edward Scheckler, Global Head of IT Infrastructure, CLSA, Ltd.
Mr. Kevin Tsang, Regional IT Director, Asia Pacific, Cookson Electronics Limited - Enthone
Mr. Sunny Chan, IT Director, LVMH Asia Pacific
Mr. Edison Sam, Director and Head of IT, New York Life Worldwide Ltd
Ms. Susan Poon, IT Director, APAC & Global, Demand Management, Rockwell Automation
17:20 Closing Remarks by Chair
Remarks: The above agenda is subject to change without prior notice.
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